Ela SathernEla Sathern|July 21, 2020|Home & Real Estate,
We asked McKenna Makizuru, president-elect of the Hawaii Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers (hi.asid.org), what interior designers should put on the top of their to-do list.
“As we experienced being isolated in our homes, we became increasingly aware of how our interior spaces affect our emotional and physical comfort. As interior designers and industry professionals, we operate on a more intimate scale with our clients, with a focus on how they experience the spaces they inhabit,” Makizuru says. “Designers and their clients are thinking about personal safety and health through mindful material selection and space planning with social distancing. Virtual technologies and interactions will become more integrated with the design of the physical space. As some states and businesses begin to reopen, the industry is experiencing mixed views on recovery time and practices. However, the interior design community has proven to be resilient, optimisticand supportive.”
1. Reorganize
Catch up on things like updating your accounts, billings, etc. Use cloud-based software systems to back up your files. Set up storage-based software and videoconferencing software so you can continue to interact with your consultants and clients.
2. Communicate With Your Clients
Keep your clients updated regularly and continue to show them empathy. Be transparent about the project status so you can work together to find ways to adjust.
3. Expand Your Skill Set
Work on your personal growth and develop a new career-oriented skill such as learning how to use a different rendering program. Learn what new and innovative products your vendors and industry partners are offering in response to the pandemic.
4. Strengthen Your Presence
Use social media resources to stay relevant and visible. Put together new inspiration boards and share them through social media. Someone may find inspiration from your designs and will reach out to become a potential client.
5. Encourage &Collaborate With Others
Share knowledge and inspiration with other designers and industry professionals. Support your favorite local businesses or specify through local suppliers. As we continue to support each other, we will find inspiration and new opportunities. We can always find ways for everyone to thrive.