A Bouquet of Coffee-Table Tomes Blooms on Shelves this Season
Sarah BraySarah Bray|September 5, 2019|Home & Real Estate,
A Garden Can Be Anywhere Lauri Kranz counts Katy Perry, Jason Bateman, Jenni Kayne, Maya Rudolph and Nicole Richie as clients. But she’s not a Hollywood stylist or trainer; she’s a garden consultant of sorts. In her new book, A Garden Can Be Anywhere: Creating Bountiful and Beautiful Edible Gardens ($40, Abrams), the founder of Edible Gardens LA shares her secrets for growing your own food—whether in a backyard or a window box.
Love Affairs with Houses Bunny Williams, perhaps America’s most famous decorator, releases her seventh monograph this month. Her new book, Love Affair With Houses ($60, Abrams), traces the “affair” she’s had with 15 recent projects. As Williams tells it, “The best pieces have the best stories.” And in this story-filled tome, she demonstrates just that.
Living Floral: Entertaining and Decorating with Flowers Margot Shaw was a self-confessed “call and order flowers girl” before she had a watershed moment. When planning her daughter’s wedding, she realized a newfound passion (with wedding stress-relieving benefits!) for cutting and arranging fresh blooms from her garden. In her new book, Living Floral: Entertaining and Decorating With Flowers ($45, Rizzoli), Shaw spotlights tastemakers—such as potter Christopher Spitzmiller (whose home is seen at right), event designer Tara Guérard and culinary consultant Alex Hitz—who are equally fanatic about flowers.
An Oak Spring Herbaria This month, Yale University Press releases An Oak Spring Herbaria ($80, osgf.org), a 400-page compendium originally compiled by the late gardening icon Rachel “Bunny” Lambert Mellon. Famous for redecorating the White House with Jackie Kennedy and designing its rose garden, Mellon left a lifelong collection of rare gardening books at her home in Upperville, Va., to the public. Now, the foundation is printing them with hopes to inspire the nation’s next great horticulturists.